22 February 2013

Ma Chambre

I should really say "Our Chambre" because it's not just mine, although sweet Lilly is all confused about whose room is whose because of our whacky sleeping arrangements a la Liam's non-sleep schedule.  It's like musical beds around these parts.  Anyhow, I took some photos of our bedroom when I was taking pictures for the Elizabeth St. article and I just realized that I haven't really shared our home since we kind of "finished" it.  It is on the market now so I had to call it quits and stop decorating even though it's really never done.  I'm sure you can imagine it's been VERY difficult for me to not try and change/improve things.  I'm sitting on my hands and it's driving me crazy!!  So anyway, here's our bedroom.  Done as it will ever be.  (Side note:  I have been looking for a green cashmere throw for the bed to break up the sea of white I got goin' on, but I just haven't found the nuanced shade of green that I'm seeking.  I'm also in the market for new nightstands.  I just think it's too matchy matchy and these are unofficially sold to a lucky gal who found my Craigslist post.  Worlds Away has some that I'm quite interested in but they won't fit in this house so now I wait.)

More on the bedside tables here and the DIY curtain rods here.

Like what you see?  Email me about our design services.


  1. Hi! I clicked over from LGN, and I'm in love. Your little girls room you did with the yellow makeshift daybed was fantastic.
